liberal economics造句
- The Pancasila economic system has significant differences from liberal economic systems.
- Already, voters are getting fed up with liberal economics and open markets.
- A decade ago, your party espoused the most openly liberal economic policy.
- Boumediene's successor, Chadli Bendjedid, introduced some liberal economic reforms.
- John Schmitt, a labor economist at the liberal Economic Policy Institute, agreed.
- It's difficult to find liberal economics in a sentence. 用liberal economics造句挺难的
- True, the chancellor's opponents do not instinctively promote liberal economics either.
- Singh is known for his liberal economic stance.
- They sought both the expansion of the franchise, and more liberal economic policies.
- Their liberal economic programs are also similar.
- He is known to advocate liberal economic reform and the privatization of profitable state firms.
- During K閞閗ou's second period in office his government followed a liberal economic path.
- Government policy was shifted into liberal economics.
- The economic program is one-sided, a pure expression of neo-liberal economics,
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